Sunday, September 9, 2007

Finally!!! Sunday September 9th, 2007

Cool site of the day - they sell new and used books. I sell books on there all the time. They have good prices and a huge selection of books.

New comment of the day -
To be able to travel to Mars and for it to only take a week. Sounds like Star Trek but can it really happen? I can't wait to find out.

Quote of the day -
'I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.'
by Rita Rudner

So FINALLY last night not only did Isaac sleep most of the night, but he slept in his crib. What a miracle that was to have a nice full night sleep! Any ways, laundry day. DULL. The only reason I like it, is because I get to spend time with my parents and sometimes my brother. Today, my Dad decided to feed Isaac and Isaac fell asleep in his arms so I ended up going grochery shopping with my Mom. No big deal, kinda glad that I did. We ran into an old customer of ours, her daughter and I are the same age with a son the same age. Too cool. :) Any ways, for once Isaac didn't go completely nuts with out me around, and my Dad and Christopher actually had a good time watching him. HURRAY! Makes it easier when he was feeling better today too. Still didn't want to nap much though which probably means he will sleep all night again. Other then that, nothing really happened. Dinner with the parents, sat around and watched T.V. Boring.

Still no word from Christopher's Mom, I am going to assume she's still royally pissed off.

I start back to learning [can't say school really since I am doing it from home lol], I have no idea when I'm getting my books, what classes I'm taking this quarter. Going to be interesting to see how they pull all this off. If they do.

Oh well, nothing else to report, slow day. Have a good evening!

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