Monday, September 10, 2007

No more

Due to recent drama for your mama

i'm done posting blogs. I appologize to those who enjoyed my writing.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Finally!!! Sunday September 9th, 2007

Cool site of the day - they sell new and used books. I sell books on there all the time. They have good prices and a huge selection of books.

New comment of the day -
To be able to travel to Mars and for it to only take a week. Sounds like Star Trek but can it really happen? I can't wait to find out.

Quote of the day -
'I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.'
by Rita Rudner

So FINALLY last night not only did Isaac sleep most of the night, but he slept in his crib. What a miracle that was to have a nice full night sleep! Any ways, laundry day. DULL. The only reason I like it, is because I get to spend time with my parents and sometimes my brother. Today, my Dad decided to feed Isaac and Isaac fell asleep in his arms so I ended up going grochery shopping with my Mom. No big deal, kinda glad that I did. We ran into an old customer of ours, her daughter and I are the same age with a son the same age. Too cool. :) Any ways, for once Isaac didn't go completely nuts with out me around, and my Dad and Christopher actually had a good time watching him. HURRAY! Makes it easier when he was feeling better today too. Still didn't want to nap much though which probably means he will sleep all night again. Other then that, nothing really happened. Dinner with the parents, sat around and watched T.V. Boring.

Still no word from Christopher's Mom, I am going to assume she's still royally pissed off.

I start back to learning [can't say school really since I am doing it from home lol], I have no idea when I'm getting my books, what classes I'm taking this quarter. Going to be interesting to see how they pull all this off. If they do.

Oh well, nothing else to report, slow day. Have a good evening!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

She wants us to do what? Saturday, September 8th, 2007

Website of the day - A site almost like myspace dedicated to moms. There's a bunch of really cool things you can do one here and I've met a lot of really cool moms on here. My name on there is Mommy_Jenn :)

News comment of the day -
I hate watching most things on T.V. in fact I don't have cable. But the list for new and returning shows are up. Anything worth my time?
Aliens In America - NO
Back To You - NO
Hmmm, nothing so far. Lets skip ahead...
Private Practice - OH GOD NO
Search For the Next Elvira - WHAT THE.... NO!
*sigh* Good thing I don't waste my money with cable. I think I'm going to stick with Food Network, TLC, and my three favorite shows ever, Heroes, CSI VEGAS, and House.

Quote of the day -
'There are two types of peope - those who come into a room and say, "Well, Here I am!" and those who come in and say, "Ah, there you are!" '
by Frederick L. Collins

So Isaac decided to sleep a little more last night. So I'm not so tired, and now that Christopher is feeling a little better, he was able to help out a little. Thank goodness! :) I still don't think Isaac is feeling better today though, he's been really grouchy. I mean REALLY grouchy. Couldn't really do much today, other then clean the house. His naps were short and so was his temper. I am trying keeping him in his own room tonight, maybe being in the same room made it hard to sleep? Who knows, it sure makes it hard for me to sleep! I don't know, I don't want to complain I just feel so bad and helpless when Isaac cries no stop for so long. :(

Had an interesting phone call from Christopher's Mom tonight. Now remember, no matter how irritated I get with her, or what ever, she's still my soon to be Mother In Law and I do like her. It's just sometimes she does things that make no sense to me. Any ways, she calls Christopher up and tells him that she found a better deal on a place blah blah blah with some details that I missed [was trying to bathe Isaac and our friend Jeff was over]. Well first off I made it clear to Christopher that our 12 month lease isn't up - we got that money from my parents - and there is no way in hell after only being here 6 months and having a 4 month old child that I am going to attempt another move right now. So then she slips out that Michele [Christopher's sister - well one of them] is moving out and that means there will be two rooms open in their house. Excuse me, what? Yes she wanted us three to move in with them. Yes the rent would be a lot cheaper, but why would two 23 year olds who just started their own life together in their own place and had a child would want to move in a crowded house with parents? It's crazy, we enjoy our freedom not so much being poor but we pay our bills. I was appalled.. Speachless in fact. So after Christopher said no I resume bathing Isaac when I hear him start to argue with her over the phone. Ouch. Keeping my distance now, staying out of this one. It is very, VERY rare for me to hear Christopher get into an argument with his Mom. So yeah, interesting tid-bit of the day... *sigh* It will go away in a few days. We appreciate the offer and the help, but I know we can manage on our own. I'm not going into any more details to what I over heard on the phone... Too personal, sorry. :)

So it's been a week since Christopher bought Guitar Hero II for the XBOX 360, and let me say if you have a PS2 or XBOX 360 this game is a must have. It is awesome. I'm on medium skill right now and Christopher is about to graduate to high skill, I'm so affraid to see what those look like , hehe.

That pretty much wraps up my day, long and stressful. Hopefully this is all a phase and will pass. Have a good evening.

Friday, September 7, 2007

TGIF? I think not! Friday September 7th, 2007

Website of the day - OLD SCHOOL! I used to religiously watch every single thing on this site, kinda miss it. Maybe I will skip the rest of this post and go watch some... just kidding :)

News comment of the day -
Another wonderful, partial celebrity dies... thats two days in a row now. How depressing. She was a wonderful writer - author of A Wrinkle In Time.

Quote of the day -
'The third rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.
by A.A. Milne

Another sleepless night. *sigh* When will it end. I was really starting to enjoy my full nights sleep. The doctor gave me a bunch of really good excuses to why Isaac could be doing this.. Do I believe him? Hell no. Issac's excuse - 'Mommy you aren't allowed to sleep, you have to make sure the nature sounds on my swing are on ALL night, that I get fed every 2 hours and well you aren't allowed to sleep okay!' Baby rules are very strict and very easy to understand.

1. If I am taking a nap, and you want to take a nap its not going to happen. Why? Because I will wake up right when you start to fall asleep.
2. I'm allowed to eat when ever I want, I cry you feed me. You on the other hand, go ahead and try to enjoy that sandwich you just worked so hard to make, because half way through it I will wake up and you won't be allowed to finish it.
3. Homework to do? Your funny! I don't feel like napping today.
4. Cleaning to do? Again you are just too funny, I still don't feel like napping today.
5. I will always scream and cry through your favorite T.V. show.
6. You have a friend over! Awe I'm going to be so cute make you think I'm going to take a nap, everything's quiet, he/she is comfortable on the couch, then BAM I'm not tired any more. In fact, my tummy hurts so I'm going to spit up all over you and then cry until your friend isn't comfortable any more.
7. You go to a friend's house and take me... I won't sleep.
8. I like making urine art on the wall
9. You and Daddy are absolutely forbidden to have dinner together.
10. Look at me, I am finally down for a nap, I'm cute and I'm quiet... GO ahead sniff that air..
You are not going to like what I just made for you in my diaper.

It is all true. Those 10 rules is Isaac. I love him so much, don't forget that.
So any ways, he is definately not feeling well today, my Mom noticed it while watching him today. I feel bad, I know why he feels sick, stupid vaccine shots yesterday. But yet he's not feeling well and he won't take a good nap. Me on the other hand, am exhausted and can't take a nap. Christopher is home yet again today and thankfully his back is feeling better. As much as I like seeing him so much, we can't afford him to take off any more work. I think one of my issues is that my allergies are killing me or I'm catching a cold. Gosh I hope I'm not catching a cold, I'd be so mad!!!

Other wise my day is slow and un eventful like always, which is okay, uneventful means rest! Must go finish dinner now, hopefully Isaac will be feeling better tomorrow and maybe just maybe he will sleep tonight. I'm going to try and get him to start sleeping in his crib. :) Good luck me! Have a good weekend!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It keeps getting better! Thursday September 6th, 2007

Website of the day - Its a nerdy Japanese anime and video game convention, and darn straight I go every year, in fact... I work for it! :) It is almost that time of year again, and I am a busy woman getting everything put together for it. Being a director is a lot of hard work.

News comment of the day -
The summer movie hits are in, and there are a few on here that shocked me. Hairspray was on that list? Give me a break, the original was bad, the broadway show was bad, why on earth would you want to make another one certainly with the cool John Travolta playing a what? WOMAN?!?!? Give me a break. Of course Simpsons is on here, I haven't gone to go see it yet, but I haven't seen one episode of the Simpsons that I hated, this will be on the top of the list for Netflix. Evan All Mighty... do I even have to comment? They went into the red with this one, a shocker? NO.

Quote of the day -
'Any word you have to hunt for in a thesaurus is the wrong word. There are no exceptions to this rule'
by Stephen King

So another early morning wake up call from Isaac wanting to eat and waking up every 2 hours after that, I was glad I went to bed a little early last night. Ugh. Doctors appointment. Fun. Doctor checks him. 15 pounds 13 ounces, 23 inches long. My baby is really getting big, no wonder I'm loosing weight faster then I thought, every time I pick that child up its like working out! Healthy baby, he gets his shots and he's pissed off. Home we go, and a very VERY long nap. After waking and playing for a little he's exhausted again, time for food and another nap... another long nap. At this point the day was turning dull and boring. True to the very end. After dinner Isaac wakes from his nap to eat and play for a whole 5 minutes before he becomes totally pissed off again, and he stays in this pissed off state until well after 9PM when I FINALLY got him to bed. Poor guy, I hate taking him in for shots, its so hard on everyone.

Got a call from Christopher's Mom today [no she didn't want to feed him more pancakes LOL]. Her sister admitted herself into the hospital thinking that she had Appendicitis, thankfully it wasn't that, but, unfortunately she has cists on her ovaries. Which isn't as bad, put still very painful. So i am assuming that the hospital is going to help her get rid of them. If I hear anything else, I will post it. But I am sure every one is in bed by now.

My brother has finally got two job interviews this week, one today down in Chatsworth for a Home Security company and one in a neighboring town to Chatsworth on Friday for some aeronautical thingy. I don't know, Kyle sounds really interested in the one Friday so I really hope he gets that job! :) I haven't heard from him all day, so I have no idea how his interview went, but hopefully when I get over there tomorrow to pick up Isaac [my Mom watches him while I clean Katie's parent's house] that he's home from his second interview and I can harass him on how it went! :)

Maybe tomorrow will be a little more interesting, today ended slowly and with me being bored to tears. I'm glad the weather is starting to cool down, with Isaac being so young its hard to go any where, and I feel trapped inside the apartment a lot, but its not like I have anywhere to go any ways, most of my friends are complete flakes at the moment. Eh, oh well. G'nite!

This is going to be a long week >.< Wednesday, September 5th, 2007

Cool site of the day - You can get some really dumb, idiotic and funny news stories from this site. Christopher showed it to me a while ago, and I love reading some of the stories on there.

News comment of the day -
Rest in peace one of the famous tenors died this morning, its a shame .... he had a beautiful voice.

Quote of the day -
'Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired'
by Jules Renard

So, my story conitinues! Midnight approaches and of course Isaac is wide awake and is playing in his walker while I sit next to him half asleep talking to a friend on AIM, hes having a blast and as cute as he is, I was hoping to see him asleep in his bassinett at this time. So I grab something small to snack on [pretty much in hopes to wake me up a little because it was going to be a long night], we roll on the floor for a bit have some fun he laughs and giggles and has a good ole time, then BAM cry cry cry. I looked at the time and it was 1AM, at that point it had been 3 hours since he last ate so I make a bottle change his diaper turn off ALL the lights and settle down in the recliner in hopes that this feeding will get him into a deep sleep so he can sleep all night. Well hes nods off like normal as he's eating and when he's done I try to burp him.. Eh, no good he's out cold. YES! BED TIME! So I put him in his swing set the nature sounds and crawl into bed. Well, guess what, I'm wide awake. I couldn't believe it. I shouldn't have eaten that darn snack. So I toss and turn, play with my cell phone, anything I can to make my eye lids heavy so I can sleep, so FINALLY I start nodding off CRY... CRY!!! CRY!! There's Isaac again, pissed off awake and you betcha HUNGRY! With a sigh I heave myself out of bed, slumped over I head to the kitchen to make Isaac's bottle. I grab him from his swing, whoa.... he's SOAKED. Good ole diaper leaked and he had peed all over himself. No wonder he was awake and pissed off. I would be too. So another trip to his bedroom to change him out of his PJs and a clean diaper. At this point I don't even bother fighting him into another set of PJs so I slip on a onsie and some socks and head back out to the recliner. By this time its around 3:15AM, I'm irritated and tired. So I keep all the lights out, wrap both of us in the blanket and feed Isaac, once the bottle is empty he is wide awake and you bet play again. Oh no, not this time. I was not standing for that, he needed sleep and so did I or both of us were going to be grouchy the next day. So I fight with him for a few minutes to get the pacifyer in his mouth then Christopher wakes me up, 'Jen you going to go back to bed?' 'Oh my gosh he woke me up' thinking that it had been about 10 minutes since I fell asleep, so I look at the clock, it's almost 4:30AM.... I had been asleep with Isaac in my arms for about an hour... wait... why wasn't Christopher heading off to work yet? He's standing there slumped over mumbling something about his back hurting like hell and that he called his Dad to let him know he wasn't going to work. Great he wasn't over reacting, I felt bad at that point for even thinking it... So I get Isaac into his swing and make Christopher get into the shower and get some hot water on his back and then make him go back to bed.... 2 hours later, yes Isaac is up again wanting to be fed. At least this time he goes back to sleep right away. 7:30 rolls around and I realized if Christopher's back hurts that bad I should probably take him in to Urgent Care so I wake him up get him to shower I call my Mom and shower myself. Off to Urgent Care where we spend way too much time waiting. He gets xrays done they mention to him that it seems that two of his vertibrae are too close together but they wanted to talk to someone else about it blah blah blah, doctor bs of course. So they let Christopher go with some anti inflamatory and a note saying he has to take a few days off of work. Ouch. That's gonna hurt when we have bills to pay. So we get home and I have to leave to go clean up Katie's parent's house. When I get back yes, more cleaning time. Such a stress reliever.. NOT! Christopher is still in a lot of pain, and even though he tries to help out he can't really do too much. We spend the rest of the afternoon and evening chatting and then here it comes.... his Mother calls. Don't get me wrong, I like his Mom. She's a very nice woman and she cares about us, but when she had mentioned OVER and OVER and OVER that she wasn't going to plan anything for her birthday and that there was no dinner planned she calls and says hey 6PM IHOP for dinner for my birthday. We weren't planning on getting her a birthday present until the weekend [we had NO IDEA what to get her any ways]. So we meet up at IHOP and she keeps talking about feeding Isaac a piece of a pancake.. Excuse me, how old is he? Yeah 4 months old darn it, you don't give him pancakes. So I ASSUMED she forgot about it. Yeah well, I was totally wrong. As soon as her food gets there she's ripping a piece of her pancake off and putting it in Isaac's mouth! I told her to take it out and she looked at ME like I was crazy. Man.... Remember, I do like this woman... I just don't understand why she thought it was okay to give a 4 month old a piece of a pancake. Then later on while she was talking to her mother [I like her a lot too] and states that she could probably convince me to take Isaac for the weekend and drive him all the way to Arizona for a weekend. I DON'T THINK SO! Oy, just one thing after another. The rest of the night went okay. We get home, Isaac's in bed and we sit around chat for a while, play some video games then go to bed. But with Christopher out of work, probably for the rest of the week, and Isaac in the very strange mood. It's going to be a long week.
I finally got all my paperwork done for the online ITT thing, what a pain. Took me long enough. But I start school on Monday and I don't have to go any where! It's amazing!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

STRESS - Tuesday September 4th, 2007

Site of the day: It has a trillion different TV shows, anime, movies, etc etc. Pretty cool.

News comment of the day:
UPDATE - So Hurricane Felix that I talked about yesterday.... BYE BYE :)
This guy commits murder, then writes a book about it. How insanely stupid is that? They convict him for 25 years in prison. I think they are going way too easy on this guy, I understand there's no actual evidence other then the book that he committed the murder, but it sure sounds like he did it.

Quote of the day:
'The important thing is to not stop questioning' Albert Eintstien

So Tuesday started out pretty well, I got to sleep in, chat on the phone with my Mom [it was her birthday], I got to play with Isaac and he took his normal naps one in the late morning and one in the afternoon, so I was able to get some house cleaning done, e-mails checked, etc, etc. It was turning out to be a wonderful day. Christopher comes home from work we sit and chat, he plays with Isaac while I cook dinner.... Speghetti, something good and simple. Well, Isaac was getting upset so we put him in his high chair so that he can sit and watch me cook and for a while he was amused. Christopher was over on the couch playing Guitar Hero and Isaac was getting upset again so trying to be cute Christopher gets up while playing the game and starts dancing around getting Isaac to laugh, then BAM there goes his back. He bends over and said 'oh shoot I just pulled a muscle in my back' . I love you Christopher but at first I thought he was over reacting. Well the night was eh, we watched 1408 - I hated it. Got Isaac to bed, then Christopher told me that his back was starting to hurt pretty bad. So he goes to bed, and Isaac wakes up. Rarity there. It's 11PM by then and he WAKES UP! I wanted to go to bed, guess not! So I fed him and played with him, and that takes me to midnight.... read the next blog to finish my story <3

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

3 Day Weekends are a Blast - Tuesday September 4th, 2007

So now I have two blogs, my Mommyblogzors and now this one, my randomblogzors. This one will be cool things I find, my opinions on things that are going on, things that are happening with me, etc etc.

So first on the list:
my site of the day - If you get offended easily, don't go there. This site is a bunch of IRC Quotes and conversations that are absolutely hilarious!

news comment of the day - category 5 hurricane Felix heading for United States....
This one yet sad is amusing to me because the worse hurricane this season is named the same as my cat, who like the hurricane destroys everything in its path >.<

quote of the day - 'when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth' Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

So I have decided that driving down below for school 3 days a week after having a child and being incredibly poor is a bad idea, I just finished doing all the paper work to finish my schooling online, still thru ITT Tech, but this way all my papers and books get mailed to my door, and I don't have to spend 100 bucks on gas and food a week just to learn some stuff that most of it I will never EVER use again. I still haven't decided if I am going to get my Real Estate License or not yet, I still have more research to do on it. With my main schooling being Marketing, it might not be a bad road to take, but with all my Ani-Magic experience too, what if one day I wanted to I don't know run my own convention, or switch over to being an events planner, or something like that. You know what my problem is, I have an interest in too many things. I like the event planning, real estate perks my interest, I love kids, I love to read. The list goes on. If only I could have that darn little device that Hermoine had in the 3rd Harry Potter book that she could go back in time and take like 2-3 classes at one time. I could do everything I wanted to do! Well, maybe LOL!!
I was really hoping that this 3 day weekend was going to be a nice way to relax and just spend some time with Christopher and Isaac.... Well I did get to spend time with them, but not all of it was relaxing. Christopher finally had enough of me figuring out what to cook for dinner at the last minute and going to the grochery store almost every night after work to pick up what I needed [ok, ok, me too I was sick of it too]. So I made a meal plan for 2 weeks, and we did all of our shopping this weekend. An hour long trip to Sam's Club and another hour long trip to Albertson's. I hate grochery shopping. Luckily Isaac decided to have fun this time around and no poopy diapers, I can't even explain to you how embarassing it is to have your infant son strapped to you and him grunting and turning bright red in a crowded grochery store then the smell hits you and every one around you.... Yeah ... wonderful. But not this time, two grochery stores, two different days, both in there a long time, and he was good!
I enjoyed the enormous storm we had Saturday afternoon, I had just put Isaac down for his nap and was waiting for Christopher to get home and BAM its super windy! There's dust every where, kids are screaming [they always scream tho lol], so I step outside to get a face full of flying dirt, rock and smoke [some poor guy was TRYING to BBQ when the wind started blowing], the temperature dropped I swear like 20 degrees. I go inside to turn the AC off - no point in wasting money on electricity when its cooler outside then it is inside! Powers out... "Hmmm" I say to myself "I didn't realize the wind was that bad" KABOOM! Thunder, the power turns back on in a raging surge... at first I was like okay, nothing new and go about my business turning the AC off and opening up some windows to let some fresh air in and the power goes out again and within seconds its back on in a raging surge again. Since between me and Christopher there's 5 computers in this house I decide its better to unplug them all, turn off anything that I could before a fuse decided to explode and kill one of them. In the mean time, I might add, Isaac is still out cold in his swing. I grab my cell phone, call my Mom [who lives about 8 miles away] ask her if she's getting this obviously terrible storm. At that point she was getting a little. SO I hang up call Christopher [who was in Ridgecrest] warned him that the weather was nasty and to be careful on the way home. By that time, the wind was full force and the power had gone out about 5 or 6 times. I step outside again to watch the lightning and thunder get closer and BAM! Rain, lots and lots of rain just pouring down, eventually I had to retreat back into the house, to sit by the window with Felix [who wanted to go out and play in the rain] and watch as an hour of nonstop downpour continues. By the time the rain stopped everything was flooded! It was insane, crazy, out of control... BUT I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT... and yes Isaac slept thru all of it.
The rest of my weekend was slow and quiet [well as quiet as you can get with having a 4 month old boy lol].
Now it is time, to clean house.. The wonderful joys of being a Stay At Home Mom, you still have work to do. :) More then what you would be expected to do at a real job, hehe... maybe... sometimes. Depends on how lazy I am I guess. Have a good day!